Smoked Rainbow Trout

How I smoke Rainbow Trout on my pellet grill. I keep it pretty simple, either seasoning with salt and pepper, or a Cajun seasoning. I can fit 5-6 ~1lb trout on my pellet grill.

trout on grill



Catch Trout

I can’t help you here.

caught trout

Clean and Prep Trout

trout diagram

Using a fillet knife, I:

  1. Cut out the pelvic and anal fins, including the anus before the anal fin
  2. Slice along the inside of the belly, from the opening you created by cutting off the anal fin to the tear out the guts and throw them away
  3. Insert knife through the gill cover, behind all the gills, and cut towards the belly (detatches lower portion of the head from the body)
  4. Cut the head off and throw it away
  5. Rinse out the inside of the belly. Use your thumb to clean out the bloodline (dark red/brown line along the spine)

Then apply oil (go light) and seasonings (be generous) to the meat inside the trout.


I use Traeger’s Mesquite or Signature blend pellets.

  1. Set pellet grill to 220°F
  2. Smoke trout until internal temp is at 145°F, flipping halfway. This generally seems to take around 1-1.25 hours.

I let the trout sit for a few minutes before eating. The skin should easily peel off and the meat should easily slide off the bones with a fork.

If there is leftover trout, it tastes good cold too. If you’re feeling more ambitous, shred the rest of the trout (being careful to remove any bones) and mix with mayo, a little mustard, and more seasoning (if needed) for a trout dip to eat with crackers.
